讲座题目:《When leaders are forced to stay: The indirect effects of leaders’ reluctant staying on subordinates’ performance》
主讲人:王甫希 副教授
王甫希,美国罗格斯大学劳动关系与人力资源管理博士。2016年8月至2021年6月就职于对外经济贸易大学国际商学院。2020年受聘于韩国首尔科学综合大学院大学商学院任特聘教授。2021年7月入职中国农业大学经济管理学院任副教授,博士生导师,担任工商管理系副系主任。现任SSCI收录期刊Labor History编委。教育部教育督导局(国务院教育督导委员会办公室)全国本科毕业论文(设计)抽检的评审专家;国家自然科学基金项目评审专家。研究方向为非正规就业、雇佣关系管理、战略人力资源管理、算法与人工智能管理和职业发展。
Leaders who desire to leave the current organization are sometimes forced to stay. The leadership behaviors of these leaders are underexplored in the current literature. Building on proximal withdrawal states theory, this study examines two pathways through which leaders' reluctant staying mindset (i.e., desire but are unable to quit) relates to their subordinates' task performance and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). One pathway proposes increased laissez-faire leadership behaviors due to leaders' lower intrinsic motivation; the second pathway proposes increased delegation behaviors due to leaders' higher extrinsic motivation. Using three-wave data collected from 100 leaders and 313 subordinates, we found that leaders' reluctant staying was indirectly and negatively associated with subordinates' task performance and OCB through leaders' lower perceptions of task significance and higher laissez-faire leadership behaviors. At the same time, leaders' reluctant staying increased their bottom-line mentality and delegation behaviors, but the indirect effects on subordinates' performance outcomes were not significant. We discuss the implications of our findings for theory, practices, and future research regarding how to manage leaders who stay reluctantly in the organization.